Shin Hattori
last updated: Mar. 5, 2025

research interests: Galois representations, finite flat group schemes, integral p-adic Hodge theory, ramification, modular forms


  • I'll be away during the following periods:
    • May 4--11, 2025.

conferences/seminar information

  • A list (in Japanese) of upcoming conferences of my interest is here.
  • Conferences I (co-)organized
  • 等々力整数論セミナー (Todoroki Number Theory Seminar)


[21] D-elliptic sheaves and the Hasse principle (with Keisuke Arai, Satoshi Kondo and Mihran Papikian). pdf, codes, abs revised on Sep. 24, 2024 (uploaded (9/28)).


[20] On a properness of the Hilbert eigenvariety at integral weights: the case of quadratic residue fields, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 22 (2023), no. 6, 2645--2716. pdf, abs revised on Apr. 5, 2022. The final version is available here.

[19] Triviality of the Hecke action on ordinary Drinfeld cuspforms of level Gamma_1(t^n), J. Reine Angew. Math 792 (2022), 269--288. pdf, abs revised on Aug. 2, 2022 (refereed version). The final version is available here

[18] On the compactification of the Drinfeld modular curve of level Gamma_1^Delta(n), J. of Number Theory 232 (2022), 75--100. pdf, abs, errata revised on Jul. 16, 2020 (refereed version). The final version is available here.

[17] P-adic continuous families of Drinfeld eigenforms of finite slope, Adv. Math. 380 (2021), 107594. pdf, old, abs revised on Sep. 2, 2020 (refereed version). The final version is available here.

[16] Dimension variation of Gouvêa-Mazur type for Drinfeld cuspforms of level Gamma_1(t), Int. Math. Res. Not. 2021 (2021), no. 3, 2389--2402. pdf, slide, abs revised on Apr. 25, 2019. The final version is available here.

[15] Duality of Drinfeld modules and P-adic properties of Drinfeld modular forms, J. Lond. Math. Soc. 103 (2021), no. 1, 35--70. pdf, old, abs revised on Jul. 18, 2020 (refereed version). The final version is available here.

[14] Irreducible components of the eigencurve of finite degree are finite over the weight space (with James Newton), J. Reine Angew. Math. 763 (2020), 251--269. pdf, abs revised on Aug. 1, 2018 (refereed version). The final version is available here.

[13] Integral p-adic Hodge theory and ramification of crystalline representations, Panor. Synthèses 54 (2019), 159--203. pdf, old, abs revised on May 9, 2019 (final version)

[12] On canonical subgroups of Hilbert-Blumenthal abelian varieties, J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux 30 (2018), no. 2, 355--391. pdf, abs revised on Apr. 8, 2017 (refereed version). The final version is available here.

[11] Ramification theory and perfectoid spaces -- a survey, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu 53 (2015), 47--63. pdf, abs revised on Oct. 6, 2014 (refereed version)

[10] On lower ramification subgroups and canonical subgroups, Algebra & Number Theory 8 (2014), 303--330. pdf, abs revised on Nov. 18, 2012 (refereed version). The final version is available here.

[9] Ramification theory and perfectoid spaces, Compos. Math. 150 (2014), 798--834. pdf, old, abs revised on Sep 28, 2013. These pdf files are different from the final publication available here.

[8] Canonical subgroups via Breuil-Kisin modules for p=2, J. of Number Theory 137 (2014), 142--159. pdf, old2, old, abs revised on Nov. 5, 2013 (refereed version). The final version is available at ScienceDirect.

[7] Canonical subgroups via Breuil-Kisin modules, Math. Z. 274 (2013), 933--953. pdf, abs, errata revised on Oct. 3, 2012 (refereed version). The final version is available here.

[6] Ramification correspondence of finite flat group schemes over equal and mixed characteristic local fields, J. of Number Theory 132 (2012), 2084--2102. pdf, old2, old, abs revised on Feb. 14, 2012 (refereed version). The final version is available here.

[5] Ramification correspondence of finite flat group schemes and canonical subgroups -- a survey, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu 32 (2012), 3--18. pdf, abs revised on Mar. 28, 2011

[4] On a ramification bound of torsion semi-stable representations over a local field, J. of Number theory 129 (2009), 2474--2503. abs The final version is available here.

[3] Tame characters and ramification of finite flat group schemes, J. of Number theory 128 (2008), 1091--1108. dvi, ps, pdf, abs revised on May 9, 2007. The final version is available here.

[2] Ramification and tame characters of finite flat group schemes of rank two, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu 4 (2007), 153--164. abs

[1] Ramification of finite flat group schemes over a local field, J. of Number Theory 118 (2006), 145--154. abs, errata The final version is available here.

notes/unpublished articles

Notes on Drinfeld modular forms. pdf, abs revised on Feb. 21, 2025 (uploaded (2/21))

Table of t-adic slopes on Drinfeld modular forms. pdf, txt, PARI, old, abs revised on Jun. 21, 2018 (normalization changed (6/21)//errors corrected (5/9))

On a ramification bound of semi-stable mod p representations over a local field. dvi, ps, pdf, abs revised on Jul. 7, 2008 (Bound improved)

Hasse-Arf theorem for F_p-vector space schemes of rank two. dvi, ps, pdf, abs revised on May 1, 2007

articles in Japanese

Drinfeld加群の双対性とP進Drinfeld保型形式, 第11回福岡数論研究集会報告集. pdf, abs revised on Sep. 28, 2017

Coleman-Mazur固有値曲線の次数有限な既約成分は重さ空間上有限, 2017早稲田整数論研究集会報告集. pdf, abs revised on Jun. 22, 2017

アーベル多様体の標準部分群とヒルベルト固有値多様体, 第61回代数学シンポジウム報告集. pdf, abs revised on Dec. 31, 2016

有限平坦群スキームの分類とガロア表現の枠付き変形I pdf, abs revised on Jan. 7, 2009

分岐理論と有限平坦Galois 表現 pdf, abs revised on Jan. 7, 2008

Notes for seminars on "ARGOS seminar on intersections of modular correspondences" abs revised on Dec. 15, 2007


  • Drinfeld保型形式, 2024年度後期 (東北大学)
  • 固有値多様体と標準部分群, 2021年度後期 (東京大学)

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